Firestore Web Tag

The Web GTM Tag for Firestore.


The Firestore Web Tag template allows you to create a list of the rules on how to change the user property. For example, you can create a tag which will be fired on the purchase trigger and have these rules: increase transactions by one, increase revenue on purchase amount, set last purchase date to current date.

Set Up

  • Follow on instructions on how to set up Firestore Server Client;
  • Follow on instructions on how to set up Firestore Server Tag;
  • Download the Firestore Web Tag template.tpl file from this GitHub repo;
  • In your Web container go to the Templates page, in Tags Template section click the New button;
  • Open the top right menu and click on Import;
  • Select template.tpl file, and click save;
  • Go to the Permissions tab, open Accesses Firestore section, set your GCP Project ID, and change path, if you decide to change the default one;
  • Close the Template Editor window;
  • Go to the Tags page. Click on the New button and select Firestore Web Tag;
  • Name your tag, for example firestore;
  • Set the Server-Side GTM URL;
  • Set the User Key field, in production in can be user_token or user_id;
  • Add rules, for each rule set action type, value, and returning value;
  • Checkbox «Set cookie after user properties will be updated» is selected by default. But if you don’t need changed user property on the front-end, you can uncheck it;
  • In the «DataLayer settings» you can change DataLayer Event Name this is the name of a dataLayer event pushed after the user state will be updated;
  • Set the «Event Type» value. If you have a few Firestore Tags, for example one for registration, one for purchase, this value will help you to make triggers only for specific firestore_updated dataLayer events.